Welcome to Design Details, an ongoing editorial feature in Daily Coffee News focused on individual examples of coffee shop architecture, interior design, packaging design or branding. If you are a coffee shop owner, designer or architect and would like to submit your project for consideration, reach our editors here.
Design Details: WatchHouse Coffee
As the sun goes down, the sun also rises. And as this alarm clock gently cues slumbering dreamers to awaken, it also makes coffee.
Created by the principals at the Belgium-based firm Watif Design Studio, the Sunrise Alarm Clock Coffee Maker is a a single-serve ground coffee brewer that sits snugly stop a modern, connected alarm clock.
Composed of heat-resistant plastics and stainless steel within the brew chamber, the machine accepts portions of ground coffee for single cups, offering either the gentle gurgles and drips of coffee as alarm noise, or any other audio of the user’s choice.
Designed with two color schemes, the gradient finish recalls the gently setting or rising sun, offering a peaceful visual upon wake up.
The concept of an alarm clock coffee maker is not without precedent. A decade ago, British designer Josh Renouf introduced a conceptually similar but aesthetically contrasting vision called The Barisieur.
That initial design eventually made its way to the consumer market, and is today marketed and sold by UK-based home equipment company Joy Resolve.
In the Watif design portfolio, the Sunrise stands alongside innovations such as a self-heating food container and a lamp designed to detect falls through AI modeling.